
CBD is naturally lipophilic. It binds to fats such as oil, milk or butter, and can thus be easily extracted from hemp flowers. On the contrary, it is hydrophobic, which makes it almost completely insoluble in 'water. To infuse CBD into a beverage or other aqueous product, different techniques are usually employed to prevent the CBD from simply floating on the surface in powder form.
Esterification > Stabilized suspension > Nano-emulsion > Micelles > Liposomes. All these techniques have advantages and disadvantages, among which the lack of stability of the CBD particles or the complexity of production most often prevent having a truly bioavailable CBD product. They also do not apply to dry products. .

Hydrosolubilization and bioavailability

Traditional CBD oils use a fatty base, oil, to absorb the CBD and release it into the human body. There are then two methods to get the CBD into the bloodstream: Sublingual intake: keep the CBD under the tongue for 1 minute before going. This allows the CBD to pass more or less quickly into the bloodstream via the capillaries and blood vessels present in the mouth. Ingestion: CBD must then be digested, and therefore degraded, then metabolized by the liver to be active. Ingestion allows a delayed effect, several hours, and a longer duration of effect thereafter The bioavailability of sublingual or ingested CBD is relative, with some being lost along the way. So why turn to water-soluble forms of CBD? Especially because the bioavailability of CBD is higher and the absorption of CBD is immediate. This means that, compared to traditional CBD, water-soluble CBD reaches the bloodstream faster, takes effect faster and gives a higher concentration than traditional CBD oil. You will therefore be able to use less water-soluble CBD to achieve the same results.

FrenchFarm's CBD Hydrosolubilization Technology

FrenchFarm has developed, in partnership with a French laboratory, a unique technique for hydrosolubilizing CBD, inspired by the lab's experience with other materials. One of our goals was to provide a solvent-free, emulsion-free, and chemical-free formation to minimally brutalize the CBD molecule in the process. The result is a novel material, suitable for both aqueous and dry bases, with revolutionary bioavailability potential, in-product stability and ease of work. We ourselves use this water-soluble CBD in our CBD syrup which goes well with an infusion as well as with cocktails. As a professional, would you like to integrate water-soluble CBD into your products? Send us a message on the Contact page. A salesperson will get back to you shortly.