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Maison Philippe Conticini

Perhaps because nothing can stop him and no famous chef pastry chef has yet come up with the idea of using CBD in pastry, Philippe Conticini decided to research this innovative product and incorporate it into his latest cake "Cirrus".
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Confiture Parisienne

Development of a series of 3 jams and 1 honey infused with cannabidiol. Mango, fig, pear and caramelized honey.
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At the beginning of 2020, FrenchFarm moved into L'Eclaireur on Rue Boissy d'Anglas. L'Eclaireur, a concept store that usually presents a unique selection of internationally recognized or confidential fashion and design designers, sells the entire CBD range of FrenchFarm.ac, presented in the luxurious setting of the store. The two entrepreneurs David Hadida and Léo Berliner met to plan the interior. In their fast pace as trendsetters and fashion week runners, L'Eclaireur's customers are also in search of relaxation and well-being. Weediner #4 took place at Eclaireur on Rue Hérold, another of the brand's Parisian addresses.
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Our selection of products


FrenchFarm verfolgt eine ganzheitliche Philosophie, vom Anfang der Pflanze bis zu ihren Cannabidiol (CBD)-Extrakten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf einzigartigen Hanfpflanzen und bestimmten Jahrgängen in der Tradition der französischen Gastronomie liegt. Dieser Ansatz garantiert das frischeste und wirksamste Produkt sowie Geschmacksprofile von einzigartiger Subtilität. Wir arbeiten direkt mit Landwirten, Chemikern und Chefköchen zusammen, um das volle Nährstoffspektrum und das einzigartige Terroir der Pflanzen intakt zu halten, was sich in unterschiedlichen, subtil köstlichen körperlichen und geistigen Erfahrungen niederschlägt.
The CBD extracts used by FrenchFarm.ac come from plants that are grown organically and in some cases biodynamically. All of our products are lab-created and third-party tested to ensure their purity and dosage.
Start slowly and take it easy. If you are new to CBD, we recommend starting with a dose of 5 mg. Daily intake is known to regulate the endocannabinoid system (ECS) by activating receptors in the body that alter your tolerance. Patience is the key to discovering your best dose. Tolerance can also be affected from day to day by external influences such as alcohol, sleep, etc. The cannabis plant is biphasic and adaptogenic, meaning it can have huge therapeutic benefits in small doses and may be less effective for you in large doses.

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