Why CBD in everyday life?

Why CBD in everyday life?

Cannabinoids have been used for thousands of years to help people achieve physical and mental well-being. Herbalists of the past may not have known exactly how the hemp plant worked with the body, but they did know that it helped people feel better - with less pain and a more balanced mood.

As a premium CBD brand producing hemp products for vibrant wellbeing, we see our role today as a continuation of this 4000 year old tradition, spiced up with the contributions of modern science.

CBD is truly a remarkable substance with a multitude of uses for mental and physical health.

The roots: Your endocannabinoid system.

CBD has been shown to have pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety and antioxidant properties. Although it sounds too good to be true, there is a large body of solid scientific research that demonstrates the complex ways in which CBD interacts with the body and promotes balance and better functioning of various systems. But how exactly does CBD work and what mechanisms lead to its effects?

The answer lies in a recently discovered but essential component of human biology: the endocannabinoid system. This is an ancient network of biochemical pathways that we share with a variety of other animals, from mammals to birds to sea urchins. The endocannabinoid system plays a fundamental role in promoting homeostasis, the stable internal environment the body needs to stay healthy.

It turns out that our bodies naturally produce endocannabinoids: chemical substances that are remarkably similar to the phytocannabinoids found in hemp and other plants. Our endocannabinoids are crucial for many different physiological and neurological mechanisms, including pain perception, inflammation, appetite, mood, metabolism and the response to stress.

And CBD helps to modulate the production of endocannabinoids, preventing our bodies from over- or under-producing these essential chemicals, promoting that all-important internal balance.

CBD, stress and anxiety

Of course, 'balance' doesn't just refer to physical processes. It can also describe a manageable emotional state, with less stress and anxiety (sometimes hard to imagine in this day and age!), deeper and more restful sleep, and all our mental and emotional resources available to us to adapt to changing times and meet the many needs of our daily lives.

Stress' is so commonly seen as negative that it is difficult to see it as beneficial in any way. Yet the human response to stress and even acute anxiety has evolved to be beneficial by preparing the mind and body to make quick, potentially life-saving decisions in the face of danger or pain. Problems arise when we are stuck in "survival mode" for long periods of time with no way out, and chronic stress can affect our physical and mental health.

CBD can help mitigate the effects of stress and anxiety by modulating the neurotransmitters that play a role in the human response to stress. It binds to serotonin receptors, which are thought to play a crucial role in maintaining calm, can promote neuronal regeneration in parts of the brain that can be damaged by chronic stress, and can even help us 'unlearn' anxiety triggers that often keep us in a panic spiral. To learn more about CBD and anxiety, click here!

CBD and your microbiome

Every day we learn more about how our gut health affects our wellbeing. It may sound a little scary, but the human body is full of microorganisms that rely on us to survive, just as we rely on them to feel good. Our microbiome, which includes millions upon millions of non-human bacteria that consider us their universe, has evolved with us, and we need it for our health just as much as it needs us.

The majority of our friendly microscopic lodgers live in our digestive tract, and they interact with our bodies in complex and fascinating ways. The gut is also home to a high concentration of ECS receptors, which create countless connections between native endocannabinoids, the gut and the brain, and play a vital role in functions ranging from inflammation to digestion and mood. Since CBD helps promote homeostasis in general, a daily CBD supplement can help provide a favorable environment for our tiny, former hangers-on. To learn more about CBD and your microbiome, please click here.

CBD and the present moment

As we write these lines, most of us need all the help we can get. Meeting our daily obligations as well as the constant chaos of world events is no easy task and many people struggle with themselves.

There is no miracle cure for our woes. Perhaps 2020 has taught us that we should not rely on fate; solving our problems will require a collective effort that comes from each and every one of us. All we can do is the best we can do, both on a micro and macro level, and to take care of others, we must first take care of ourselves.

When we set out to improve our lives and those of our loved ones, it is helpful to have all kinds of tools at hand, and one of those tools can come from a humble plant and a millennia-old tradition of wellbeing as we strive to stay healthy and strong for ourselves, our loved ones and our precious earth.
